新电影集合为您提供Lessons in Love and Violence,在线点播,迅雷下载。
The opera’s drama begins as King Edward II’s relationship with Piers Gaveston upsets the personal life of court and the political wellbeing of the country. When the controlling military leader Mortimer joins forces with Queen Isabel, the results are deadly for Gaveston and Edward. The lessons learned by the characters of this new opera are harsh ones, following a gripping traje...
Rain_ 2023-05-30
看的瑞士版,就標到這裏吧。還是滿震撼的(好不容易在戲院沒有睡覺= =!)。雖然看之前忘記做功課,看的過程中感到雲裏霧裏。at Opernhaus Zürich
Burningthekiss 2023-06-04
zurich opernhaus观剧标记:懵懵懂懂的. 被里面的dragqueen或者queer或者trans美到,但祂居然一句话都没说。