In this series Ross celebrated the careers of filmmakers David Lynch, Pedro Almodovar, Alejandro Jodorowsky and Ari Kaurismaki, using interviews with the directors, as well as clips and comments from colleagues, cast and crew. This episode features Alejandro Jodorowsky talking about his work, excerpts from his films, and interviews with guests.
Virgil 2016-09-22
Dennis Hopper在片中对Jodorowsky的评价:“他很智慧,博学……但也是个严重的控制狂(tremendous manipulator),我不确定自己是不是喜欢他,我在他身上看到了黑暗的一面。”
hongyanbaifa 2010-05-10
maybe is this one。反正就是纪录片。貌似曾截过图
土豆就土豆吧 2010-03-31