From a young age, Jill has acted as the responsible ***** in her small family. She cares for her ****** but mentally unstable mother and her younger brother. The news that their estranged father will be visiting on Jill's birthday gives the children much needed hope. When the family is struck by tragedy, Jill keeps it a secret
《**》这部影片中体现的唯美纯洁的爱情打动了东京电影节评委会,而演员不畏艰辛用出色的演技为影片增色的态度更是让评委会感动。他们评价郭涛饰演的老梁头是“哲理般存在的人物”,是影片必不可少的人物。认为该片(即《**》)是中国第六代导演的代表之作,已经在很大的程度上达到并超过了第五代导演的水平 。