An investigation into the truth behind the murder of Guatemalan Bishop, Juan Gerardi, who was killed in 1998 just days after trying to hold the country's military accountable for the atrocities committed during its civil war.
Hildy at beach 2023-11-11
对几十年前的内战造成的伤害发起调查的主教是勇敢的,给死者声音,给家属真相,报告里有一句Nunca Mas,英语是 Never Again。我们都有责任遇到同样的**站出来制止,尽自己的力量让社会往前进步一点点。看到报告的人们是真的理解并且坚持了这句话,正是由于有了不退缩的同事,证人,检察官,法官,真相才被揭露,社会比之前好了一点。没有后退直面**就是进步。
糖醋小熊 2024-09-13
When can we have such a report about all the atrocities that happened on this "sacred land"?