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The 20th Annual Animation Show of Shows;**(画像)+配乐(声音)蒙太奇,2018年最佳动画短片
一张张静物水彩画做出的动画蒙太奇… 真心佩*这种体力活
question after viewing: what's the difference between using images of the objects instead of real images? what is the significance of the first part of the film when an image of a pencil is drawn? (an image is a signifier of the real object)
这也太能肝了…… 我总是想要去理解为什么有人能够忍受如此漫长的重复工作,这在我看来(或许也在不少人看来)无聊且毫无意义。但确实,除了热爱我想不到任何解释
[Deleted] 2019-01-03
The 20th Annual Animation Show of Shows;**(画像)+配乐(声音)蒙太奇,2018年最佳动画短片
贱草 2019-03-13
一张张静物水彩画做出的动画蒙太奇… 真心佩*这种体力活
无脊椎 2019-04-27
cherry it up 2019-10-05
question after viewing: what's the difference between using images of the objects instead of real images? what is the significance of the first part of the film when an image of a pencil is drawn? (an image is a signifier of the real object)
新娘在风中飘扬 2023-03-22
这也太能肝了…… 我总是想要去理解为什么有人能够忍受如此漫长的重复工作,这在我看来(或许也在不少人看来)无聊且毫无意义。但确实,除了热爱我想不到任何解释