Despite the fact that he had not finished his film studies, the young Alain Resnais remained close to some of his professors at IDHEC (Institut des Hautes Études Cinématographiques), notably the art critic Madeleine Rousseau, who introduced him to Hans Hartung in 1947. Resnais thus shot a film on Hartung, 7 minutes long, in 16mm, black and white and for budget reasons, silent. ...
菲苾 2022-03-29
btr 2019-11-02
烟不离口。可以看见哈同画得非常快(像在看1.5倍速)而专注,笔触果断,有时还双手一起画。开头写着评论Madeleine Rousseau,但不知为何是无声的。
Galois 2021-04-06
https://***.perrotin****/videos/visite-a-hans-hartung-court-metrage-de-alain-resnais-muet-1947-0710/1022 在我村看Hartung展发现的,没想到竟然还是雷乃拍的666
Listen 2020-02-14
musée d'art moderne de Paris Expo Hans Hartung
克拉拉 2023-03-26
Oberkampf 2020-01-19
富拉尼又称富圣 2022-02-15
没有昵称 2022-12-26
雷乃早期作品,在艺术家工作室完成,用16mm拍摄。展现了艺术家的工作过程。无声默片。 @2021-11-15 02:08:42