Directed by David Allen, the ******* was captured with virtual reality cameras in the Namunyak Wildlife Conservancy in Samburu County of northern Kenya at the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, the first elephant orphanage in Africa owned and operated by the local community. In a region where conservation has traditionally been pursued by outsiders, Reteti, and the surrounding conserva...
Joker_d 2018-10-14
小象近在咫尺的喷水洗澡 似乎真的身处**草原下的星空 VR用在这种纪录片里是真的好!
阿飞 2020-06-08
#WeAreOne#57 VR Global Premiere
Pincent 2020-05-29
#WeAreOne no.7 寻找彭彭和丁满,等一个大象席地而坐
狂疯暴雨 2021-05-19
chmlllmm 2018-09-29
** 小象 动物世界 多主观视角 Tribeca带有附加交互安抚小象的环节