Scandinavian businessmen and development workers relax on their farms in Tanzania. Some use local conditions for self-enrichment, others try to make a difference in the development sector – but they are all ignoring the needs of the country’s population.
L'llariit 2019-09-21
本以为会有更多来自斯瓦希里语系的向心力,结果更占篇幅的是北欧**内部的离心力,愿不计代价成为black mzungu结果灰溜溜的Marcus实力给新一辈的white african上了一课,他们并不懂得这里的游戏规则,在似乎永远不能攀顶的乞力马扎罗雪山下,liberty只是来自荷尔蒙*动的迪斯科酒吧中的彻夜**
黄小白 2018-07-22
07/21/2018@ACMI 1/5 in the festival