The new series focuses on the clash between Stockholm business attorney Emily Jansson and ex-con Teddy Maksumic. Emily is an aspiring "Top Dog" who wants to make her way up in the law firm. Teddy has recently become an underdog and wants to get out of the mafia. In order to achieve her goal, the ambitious lawyer has to find Philip, the son of the firm’s most important ******, w...
FROSTFLY 2024-04-21
英国🇬🇧第4*道发行**WALTER发行北欧犯罪电视剧集,WALTER官方英文字幕 Top Dog.Saison 1,本季终 剧情/犯罪/悬疑,75分中等水平作品,15岁以下青少年儿童禁止观看,满15岁、18岁以下未成年人须在成年家长陪同下观看(分级警告)