"R-Evolution" brings together a wealth of rare footage of The Doors. Combining early TV appearances with their own music films, "R-Evolution" illustrates how The Doors evolved from the constraints of late sixties television to a point where they had the creative input and power to shape how they were portrayed on screen. Throughout, the unique charisma and talent of The Doors c...
Virgil 2020-01-31
在线:BV1jD4y1o7eV | 那个年代美国TV节目看起来傻气四溢是真的,The Unknown Soldier短片胡来也是真的,但是**合集有得看已经十分快乐了(是真正的全员可爱)。想看蓝眼睛frontman敬请关注28:38开始的《Touch Me》,我反正好了