《冲撞:乔·史特拉莫的故事》又名The Joe Strummer Story。
Joe died young. But his and "The Clash's" memory live on in the programme as it seeks to explore and identify the music and the reasons behind the split of one of the most iconic punk rock groups of the day.
SonicCarsick 2020-01-29
从乐队成员和好友口中说出的 joe strummer life story,不知为什么制作看起来很像粉丝**......可惜没听到自己最喜欢的几首歌
予亡 2024-08-21
先死好於後死 2021-05-08
我每天都想起他 mick為什麼說話那麼溫柔
我要叫他夏天 2020-02-12
“He’s a force to be reckoned with.” R. I. Punk, Joe Strummer.
小宝 2020-01-27
“He always liked to play, and he was happy doing that, you know. He liked to play for the people.” Thank you for your music and inspiration, Joe.
Virgil 2020-01-08
出坑重评估4–>3|和“Viva Joe Strummer”其实是一样的内容,一个在英一个在美发行的区别,已**中字:https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1WJ411G7ic