Karthik (Vijay Antony) and Mellina (Sushma Raj) are two aspiring lawyers, who are in search of a house and case. Due to financial issues, they decide to share the same office without knowing that they are in the same profession. And when they realize it, all hell break lose and they are always at loggerheads. They get into a deal that whoever first get their case will stay on w...
发大财**财 2020-02-22
中间那段India Pakistan 的歌蛮好听的。片名就是以印度和巴基斯坦之间紧张的关系来形容男女主之间针尖对麦芒的竞争关系。男主角现实中是个半路出家的演员,之前还是个电影作曲家,不过好像没担任这部电影作曲哈。片中男主角基本就没啥舞技奉献了,全靠一对配角,不过也蛮好,因为我对印度电影中的歌舞实在提不起兴趣。