《恐怖的狂风》又名The Wind. A Documentary Thriller。
In the Podhale region in Poland, the Halny wind blows several times a year. It comes from the highest of the Carpathian Mountains and in addition to material damage, seems to provoke heart attacks, acts of violence and other strange effects on the population even before it arrives. An impressive symphonic account that is built much like a thriller.
胤祥 2020-01-19
#31st Trieste#纪录片竞赛。莱比锡→的里雅斯特。相当震撼,灾难片特效要做成这样得花不少银子,很多细节也是灾难片**不出来的,暴风之夜的大场面简直堪比好莱坞巨制(***买了太正常了……)。摄制组一定辛苦极了。当然组织素材的方式还有提升空间,里面几条线里救护车那条线相当有意思,**尼亚/保加利亚/希腊等等救护车都有很好的作品,很想看一篇写东欧国家电影里救护车的文章……