In 1914, the suffragette Mary Richardson attacked the Rokeby Venus at the National Gallery in London. But why did this painting fire such outrage? Professor Bettany Hughes embarks on a ****** of discovery to reveal the truth behind the Venus depicted in the painting, proving that this mythological figure is so much **** than just an excuse for sensual nudity and chocolate-box r...
sarah🇺🇦 2017-11-18
West Wycombe Park, Sir Francis Dashwood, the Hellfire Club, "fais ce que tu voudras" ("Do Whatever You Would Like")
淇厚生 2019-05-02
喜剧游戏姐妹堂 2022-08-17
香凝 2019-12-11
维纳斯崇拜 既有女权意义的一面,又有反女权运用的一面。古典文化复兴的文艺复兴,却是**崇拜的**转变。
晚秋 2019-11-12
Venus Aphrodite Cupid Uranus →Chronos →Venus Philomade's lover of male genitals Aphros 泡沫[希腊语] Kypris 库普利斯 →The lady of Cyprus 塞浦路斯夫人 The lady of lemba 伦巴夫人 维纳斯的前身 Ishtar ,Astarte ,Inanna 中东地区主管**的神 嫁给了Hephaestus 跛脚的锻冶之神,与战神Aries私通,**Adonis,儿子Eros(意为**,拉丁语为Cupid) The sanctury of Paphos 帕福斯圣所