In the court of French king Louis ****, a courtier named Bardelys carries with him a grand reputation as an irresistible ladies' man. When another figure in the court, Chatellerault, fails to win the hand of the beautiful Roxalanne (whose family fortune the king wishes to bring under his control), Bardelys suggests that he could win the young woman's hand. Thus a bet is made, a...
钢筋工钢筋 2022-05-12
很**Don Juan+Beau Brummell,烂俗偶像剧但是so cute!!!!拍得好的话就是非常吃womanzier和virgin恋爱这一套,我一直很吊癌啊.jpg刑场动作戏看得我目瞪狗呆(:真的不是替身??)。好喜欢在湖上泛舟Gilbert不断掀起柳叶看向Boardman的那一幕,轻柔美丽又纯情到我尖叫(啊啊啊啊啊啊),修复版配乐很能调动情绪。Gilbert帅炸,fencing有时候看着像乱打的(笑死),管他呢**就行!有几套衣*好看得要死,查了一下负责*装的André-ani发现他还给Flesh and the Devil, Torrent和The Devil's Circus设计过戏*,真的很喜欢用天鹅绒了。
Lycidas 2020-02-24
King Vidor Retrospective. Live music Maud Nelissen. 各个段落水平起伏不定,但结尾太棒了,绝对是默片史上能排上前十的动作戏(而且爆笑)。跟La bohème放在一起也是很不错的John Gilbert double bill,加上The Big Parade可偶像可演技水平极高。这部片遗失多年,一度只有show people里引用的段落**,寻回修复史值得专门写一篇!
hongyanbaifa 2010-08-21
he has many women,but he only marry you。我隐约记得台词是这样的,片子很易懂。
杨浦小囡 2018-03-08