When Roy and Elaine Keenan realize their family is drifting apart, they decide that something needs to be done. Roy forces his work to take a back seat and they seize the opportunity to recreate a vacation from their past. A peaceful stay in a quaint hotel is just what they need, however that is not what is in store for them. With **** deranged murderers patrolling the seemingl...
YDONGI777 2024-08-27
**好喜欢 就是中间浴缸的2号纹身太像史了。女儿神似 black。**俩小哥的口音太搞了“homosexual”. 如果在杀Elaine的时候Kevin开门将是绝杀。很血腥很暴力, 就是剧情不能想,好久没有看到这么一部恐怖***了. 黑**叔摸肩的那一下真把我吓惨了。捏脑袋像捏西瓜,Kevin 看录像的那一段是真看吗 应该是假看 小孩哥演技还真不错结果好奇心害死猫国外也有 好吧起源就是英国 **井字棋真没想到还能这样玩。如果是个大女主就好了,2号是真会玩啊。小孩果然是不能和暴力镜头在同一个画面出现。反派还是死于话多。这个结局太搞了好吧…我收回我的话,是个“大女主片”。。。感觉是要拍2的节奏啊,可以期待一下。6.5+1/10 一分给到血浆爽 08/26 @dundas square