The Biography Channel celebrates the life of Helio Gracie In 2010, the Biography Channel released a documentary about Grand ****** Helio Gracie. This documentary is an incredible insight into the lives of one of the founders of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Grand ****** Helio played a crucial role in our arts. The documentary is in Brazilian Portuguese but the subtitles (which you can a...
困死鬼 2021-05-02
kalanchoe 2020-04-19
这部纪录片简洁明了地介绍了柔术大师Helio Gracie 的传奇人生。从体育追求的角度讲非常励志,从主人公私生活的角度讲让我大跌眼镜。但是考虑到**和地区文化,也是可以理解(虽然我不接受)。不管怎样,这部纪录片内容比较客观真实,以Helio身边亲友的大量访谈为支撑,对于了解巴柔起源和初代大师,是很好的补充材料。顺便推荐关于**西家族的另外三部纪录片:1. Legacy 2. Choke 3. Ultimate Gracie (分别关于Renzo、Rickson、Royce)