Gracefully formed by the earth’s tectonic forces and massive volcanic eruptions, the mountains are a fascinating natural phenomenon, all the way from their beginnings to their present day formation. With their striking presence in our world, the mountains have always been revered by ******* for their beauty and overwhelming size. They have thus served to be an essential constit...
_ 2019-10-14
還是不錯的 人文跟自然環境結合的介紹 當然免不了像賣廣告一樣的景點簡介 但俯瞰山林真的是普羅大眾沒機會親眼見到的 這樣看看其實韓國也挺美挺多景點的?「好像알쓸신잡去過某幾個吧沒記錯的話」