John Krish felt strongly about contemporary society's growing indifference towards its elderly population and had been looking for an opportunity to address the issue through film for some time. If with Return to Life (1960), Krish wanted a general audience to appreciate how it feels to be a refugee, with I Think They Call Him John he wanted an audience to feel what it is like ...
童瑞轩 2023-09-20
va bene🪴 2012-05-20
Nice! 我一直担心我没有勇气变老,由此更甚。
一粒家田米 2012-02-13
小野 2018-05-11
为独居老人做的宣传片,简直太棒了,像是演得特别自然主义的电影。production design,视听运用,完全是电影级别。一句台词也没有,特别孤独
看雪 2018-02-03
00 2023-01-12
非常美的纪录片,充盈着细节的设计。感觉Jean Dielman有被它影响吧