The story of a woman trying to free her husband from a Russian prison camp. She lives in Israel, organizes strikes, and gains public and press support. But her public life begins to clash with her private life as she falls in love with a Hebrew teacher. This causes tensions in her family and the Israeli Russian community. Her love for the teacher, desire to end her heroic publi...
一位是守寡十五年的**,独自拉扯大儿子,为了他的婚事债台高筑。她也需要人爱,却只能迫于压力压抑自己 。一位不育的妻子,因为不育常年忍受丈夫的殴打 。
一位艺*,靠****和接客为生,热情泼辣 。影片讲述的她们的生活跌入谷底而后三个**寻求自救的过程。同时展现了落后村民的愚昧 。