Beneath its reassuring façade, Davos is each year at the heart of the Western and capitalistic world. Every head of State and everyone who is someone in the money world meets with their peers in the Swiss village. What is really at stake at the World Economic Forum in Davos? **** importantly: is it still acceptable that a handful of powerful white men decide what the future sh...
Dear deer 2021-06-07
WEF49年来世界变得更好了吗?小镇居民喊着****** Change, not climate change的口号反对的不是环境治理,而是精英阶层***政界人士掌握社会资源,以改变社会而进行的包装和再消费。就像参加了一个多月的ESG workshop,事实上核心还是如何在这波政策下赚到钱,美其名曰 for a better world, 基本上都是Green ***和Green口号,依然是有钱人挪腾钱的游戏。
verbond 2021-06-08
IFFR D7 世界的常态是“路有冻死骨,朱门酒肉臭”。就算是外界传为仙境的乌托邦国家,内部的分化和别处无他。