《暗林老尸》又名The Trees Are Alive、The Trees Have Eyes。
While on the search of a fleeing felon, a group of bounty hunters head into a vast New England forest in hopes to capture this dangerous man. While on the trail of their quarry, the group encounters **** than just a murderer on the run when they are confronted with a seemingly endless horde of the undead. With no shelter, no **** and no end to the carnage, survival seems hopele...
**寂寞 2021-02-01
小成本 够血腥 除了剧本有些烂 五星平衡一下
黑夜吞噬世界 2020-10-05
写影评是侮辱影评 特效比看过的国产电影还假 想给为烂电影牺牲**的几位女演员三分之一颗星 但是最少只能一颗星 那就一颗星吧 好烂的丧尸电影 连我这种只要是丧尸电影就必须看的人都受不了
tated 2020-10-15