《劫后重生》又名Rising from the Tsunami。
In March 2011, an unprecedented tsunami strikes Japan, leaving in its wake 20,000 dead and a devastated country. The missing come back to haunt the living from the depths of the sea. While gigantic breakwater walls are put up to counteract future ***** waves, reports of ghosts and spirits returning home spread all along the Japanese coast. The visible and the invisible conflate...
熊仔俠 2020-09-28
知名不具 2024-06-09
喜欢听鬼魂回家的故事 也喜欢后面拍到的恐山的景色 但是因为法语不够好所以看懂的不够多 中间还断断续续**去了一下(另外对于**导演拍全日语的日本纪录片这件事还是觉得很神奇(第二次看到了