The young king Edward VI is well cast & acted, and written, given his father was Henry VIII, whose death starts this. All the dialogue is succint and dramatic, and generally not so accented as to be yakubd**** muddled. That and the solid logic are not assured in English productions, but B. E. comes through for this American.
Nightwing 2022-12-24
泛类型的古戏新说,黑色幽默是最大卖点,John Heffernan尤其出彩。
Cherry樱桃之远 2022-06-14
又是一个玛丽苏的历史偶像剧,又在乱改了!历史上Thomas Seymour不是强行跑到Elizabeth房间里**人家,把人吓得天不亮就起床,一定要侍女陪在旁边,有时候Catherine Parr也加入**行列,这段事情还对少女时期的Elizabeth造成感情创伤的吗?Elizabeth哪有这样的花痴少女心,一眼就喜欢上Thomas,还对他和Catherine Parr要结婚醋意**?
爱玩的过路人 2022-07-10
♍️HH何 2022-06-21
又是一部披着历史外衣的玛丽苏少女偶像剧。把伊丽莎白塑造成一个恋爱脑喜欢大叔的村姑,厚礼蟹,我真的会谢。矜持,谨慎,不坦露内心真实情感,如履薄冰的特质再这版伊丽莎白身上完全看不到。两星一星给稍微好一点的*装,一星给玛丽都铎和简**的演员- -
tintin 2022-08-21
蕾雅蓝顿 2022-09-10
飛雪Scarlysnow 2022-08-24
莊蝶 2022-08-23
半岛饭盒 2022-07-13
stillwater 2022-07-05
The young king Edward VI is well cast & acted, and written, given his father was Henry VIII, whose death starts this. All the dialogue is succint and dramatic, and generally not so accented as to be yakubd**** muddled. That and the solid logic are not assured in English productions, but B. E. comes through for this American.