Death of England: Delroy在线观看

Death of England: Delroy

  • 上映年代:2020  
  • 地区:英国
  • 主演: Michael Balogun
  • 更新时间:

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"Me jumping out of the van, was the beginning of a very bad day for me. I just didn't know it, but I was going to know it, in about **** minutes, I was going to know, fer trut."  2020. Delroy is arrested on his way to the hospital.  Filled with anger and grief, he recalls the moments and relationships that gave him hope before his life was irrevocably changed.  Written in response...


Shytine 2022-10-09

有一点尤利西斯,还有一点伦敦生活,尤其是大段形容词那一段。可以看出两部剧在叙事逻辑上的不同,还有死与生的典;脱欧观点写得很直白很好,但想呼应现实的点更细碎一些。指责anger仍然比anger本身更老套。批完了被做成表的自己又在结尾说scientific fact,很有意思。

Una无缘早睡 2022-08-07

比白男Michael版Death of England要好,但过于直白的讲故事又失去了一些复杂度。我是说讲清故事也很好,但这戏也仅仅是讲清了一个故事:一个decent牙买加裔英国黑人多么容易被误会为罪犯,以及系统如何一步步把他推向无法辩解的深渊。回应前作Death of England的那几句种族歧视倒是把故事讲圆了,但也衬得Michael的剧本更有层次:夹在两边家庭的摇摆不定,无力,愧疚和无法改变的傲慢。而Delroy只有无边愤怒。于是显得最后女儿出生和Alan的和解的结局太过草率。

Orchid紹蘭 2020-12-03

补标记,因为基本上没听懂就不打分了。疫情后第一次进剧院2020.10.29 NT.