The TARDIS materialises at a secret naval base off the coast of Northumberland toward the end of the Second World War. Dr Judson, a scientist there, has created the Ultima Machine, an early computer designed to break German codes. The base's Commander Millington plans to let a Russian commando unit led by Captain Sorin steal the Machine's core, which he has booby-trapped with d...
r dawg 2021-07-17
第三部分的背景音乐真的好,作为老版尾声剧集有一点RTD的第一、二季后几集那种末日的感觉了,结合这集的水怪 吸血鬼作为一个成年人确实理解当年不少英国小朋友躲在沙发后面瑟瑟发抖。七任算是第一个黑化的博士了,整个第26季有够黑暗的
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2020-05-24
Another classic...but how messy this is 情节其实有点难follow,address了许多议题,包括Ace的身世和成长arc (and sexual awakening for that matter),战时哪怕所谓同盟之间的prisoner dilemma(反思英国在二战中并非完全伟光正的形象),黑暗化学毒气,但从解密ancient mythology到吸血鬼少女再到用“信仰”打败一切现在看起来都有点过时了