In 1849, the liberation war against the Habsburg Empire is close to its end in Hungary. Having hidden from military draft, Barnabás leaves his hometown and walks across the country to find and save his wounded brother who has been hiding with a guerilla group deep in the forest. Despite their exhaustion, lack of food or information, they are still fighting for their cause. Barn...
若汐 2019-07-26
8/10 惊骇的、令人恶心的战争。胶片,摄影特别美。美貌的兄弟俩(弟弟是个完完全全的冷酷美人,而**的一颦一笑牵动人),微妙的表情。在这个残酷的设定下,牧师**的善最终害了所有他爱的人,最后才懂得为了保护身边的人要弑杀。影片看似很平淡而缓慢,但细看非常有味道。应该是五星的,不过实在看得有些心堵了…… 07/26/2019