When Karisa’s grandmother is accused of witchcraft, he travels from Mombasa to her rural home to find out who’s behind it. It turns out that the threatening letter his grandmother received came from a member of his own family. Karisa’s conversations with his relatives reveal how his uncles are accusing grandma while his aunts are trying to protect her, and how the accusations r...
[Deleted] 2020-11-16
看守煙霧的人 2020-05-29
從開端提出問題引發好奇,**一層層剝開。首先是神秘學的外觀,其次是老年層謀殺案的社會message(即the letter),最後到達異端****的“終點”。很棒。另外,一個有趣的觀察:肯尼亞神父跟人握手時的動作(一隻手會放在另一隻手臂上)居然和韓國的禮節一模一樣?!0523집