The story begins in Connemara, Ireland 1845. A peasant and a fisherman called Colman (an endearing Dónall Ó Héalai) dutifully takes care of his family and his piece of land. He is an honest man who always keeps to his word and enjoys a good relationship with his landlord. But when the taxes go up yet again, even though the crops are rotting and the famine is getting worse, Colm...
《怪物》虽然悲观,但是恐怖元素运用得非常娴熟,展示出了电影魅力 。《怪物》并不同于以往的恐怖片,全片并没有真正的鬼出现。林嘉欣的“怪物”造型只是因为烧伤而显得很恐怖的样子。
Nightwing 2023-03-31
Short and sweet. The sense of menace can't **** dissipating somewhat after such a strong opening, but still an overall decent story about survival, redemption and ethnic identity.