Doctor Who - Spearhead from Space在线观看

Doctor Who - Spearhead from Space

Doctor Who - Spearhead from Space

  • 上映年代:1970  
  • 类型:剧情 , 科幻 , 冒险
  • 地区:英国
  • 主演: Jon Pertwee
  • 更新时间:

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Doctor Who - Spearhead from Space剧情内容介绍

新电影集合为您提供Doctor Who - Spearhead from Space,在线点播,迅雷下载

The TARDIS arrives on Earth in the middle of a meteorite shower and the Doctor is found by UNIT troops and taken to a nearby hospital. The Brigadier is faced with having to cope not only with the mysterious meteorites but also with Ransome, an ex-employee of a local plastics factory, who claims he has seen a walking mannequin.  The meteorites turn out to be hollow globes contain...


喜北在觅食 2013-04-11


c.cornix 2023-12-24

哎呀 三任是一個嬌嬌的可愛鬼<3 全部家當都是偷來的!了不起! Pertwee的兩段採訪: I made him a dashing bloke dressed in pretty clothes. This was in the seventies when people were very clothes conscious and wore frilly shirts and colours … so I found ** grandfather’s old Inverness cape, a smoking jacket I had, and a frilly ***** from Mr Fish. 怪不得我會想到Glam Rock,衣*和Bowie甚至同店買的XDD

Linhiriel 2018-04-16


杯具的诞生 2012-09-26


Ziggy 🇵🇸 2020-11-15

--- "We're turning over to automation, General --- it means we can keep staff down to a minimum." --- "Splended. Don't get machines going on strike, eh?" 三任的UNIT era故事都是这么标志性的无聊,慢节奏,直线叙事,毫无悬疑,作为博士冷静,话少,无趣,解决问题都是靠“构造”一些电子设备,在快不可控的时刻拿出来当作**magically击败敌***省得给你任何解释。3rd is probably ** least favorite doctor...还有路人甲Sam Seeley后半段完全被忘记了。。。

SundanceKid🌈 2016-02-12

4.5 有标志性意义的一集,DW从此**彩****,也**了三爷的**。迫于***罢工,本集全是外出实景拍摄,制作反好于平常集。Robert Holmes确实是DW编剧中数一数二的,Auton初登场写得很精彩,新版***有不少向本集致敬的内容 PS:三爷那眉毛的玩笑话,11和12压力甚大

brolly 2014-02-21
