《家族之间何必这样》又名What Happens to My Family。
Salih believes that a father is responsible for his children's mistakes. Therefore he tries to takes the hit for his children. However, as Salih lives for his children, he neglects his life. Salih's biggest children Ece is working as the president's assistant in one of the biggest companies in Turkey. As Salih is happy that his daughter is very successful; he is not happy that ...
《家族之间为何这样》和其他早前一边大热一边被媒体挑刺的剧集不同,做到了连媒体都称赞的程度。首先是它完全没有“狗血”的因素,剧中没有“恶女”设定,没有什么故弄玄虚的身世秘密,没有长大后势要**的情节,反而就是单纯围绕一个大家庭和一对命中注定的情侣展开。《家族之间何必这样》看似是悲剧的结局篇编剧会如何安排扭转局面让观众好奇。而这部作品最大的功劳除了柳东根飙泪飙戏,演绎了一位可歌可泣的父亲外,女主角金贤珠当然也是亮点之一,她在剧中的办公室女郎*装造型成为了如今最流行的装扮,她所用的包包也纷纷断货,可见这部剧集确实是影响力深远 。