新电影集合为您提供Stone Locals: Rediscovering the Soul of Climbing,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Climbing has always been **** than just a sport. It’s provided a way of life and a makeshift family to misfits who share a calling. As the sport grapples with its growing popularity, the people who anchor its core and community have **** responsibility than ever. This film tells the stories of five of these anchors, the Stone Locals who keep the soul of climbing and nurture it ...
绿毛水怪 2022-05-10
Jessie 2021-10-04
Chaomei 2023-12-16
climbing is there for U …… 在小破站刷到看完了。有人修筑城堡基地,有人接受攀岩带来的治愈,有年轻人担起传道责任,有人缅怀90S****,有人在平衡家庭和攀岩,有人在攀岩社群里获得帮助……在攀岩里找**,每个人有不同的**
浮生一日 2022-05-11
“** entire life I would never describe myself as a fighter but the minute I started climbing 1000 percent.” 剪辑和故事挖掘太出彩了
Lan Da 2022-04-28
吧唧吧唧嘴 2024-05-17
Don’t think about the bad, go find new path. Climbing isn’t the answer, but it will get you there.
momo 2024-06-30
被深深触动了,拍得真好。从攀岩导入但远不止在讲攀岩,最后十分钟几个人物的影像交织,每个人都在这趟旅程中完成了对自己的治愈,这是攀岩的力量。Climbing isn't always the answer, kind of leads them into finding the answer.//** entire life I would never describe myself as a fighter but the minute I started climbing 1000 percent.
索尼娅 2024-05-29
tzm41 2022-05-06
汪小狗🐶 2022-09-18
比创始人的纪录片更好看,攀岩人的挣扎,it is therapy,运动就是发现自我的疗愈。