Bill Hickok 说要去 Deadwood 的时候还替他惋惜了一下,下一秒就**了。这次 Larry McMurtry 的 favorite animal 是河狸
巴山夜雨⟳ 2012-11-25
An even-keeled western, nothing flashy or showy. Rather, it looks at "western-ness" from a different angle: it's on the verge of extinct (buffalos and beavers are extinct; No-Ear is searching for his people). Many interesting characters; Love story is just icing on the cake.
阿蚊 2020-01-20
一封母親寫俾個女兩個半鐘嘅親情信,套戲從講西部兩個情同姐妹Buffalo Girls愛情線開始展開,Calamity Jane意外懷孕誕下Jane,初為人母嘅Calamity Jane唔懂得如何給個女一個幸福的家,就把心一橫將女兒給了一對英國夫婦寄養。一次馬戲團團長Billy組織前往英國演出,Calamity Jane籍此次演出尋找她失散已久的女兒,最終女兒是找到了,但一切也回不到從前,與其打擾女兒寧靜安穩的生活,倒不如放手讓她成長。另一條就系Dora同Blue「我愛你,但就系得唔到你」一路兜兜轉轉的愛情線,對比前者我更喜歡呢條故事線。套戲長系長,不過演員陣容同劇情上都幾有亮點,足以抓住觀影者嘅專注力。尤其系Gabriel Byrne嘅風塵僕僕西部look夠曬殺吃啦。
The 星星 2021-08-28
Bill Hickok 说要去 Deadwood 的时候还替他惋惜了一下,下一秒就**了。这次 Larry McMurtry 的 favorite animal 是河狸
巴山夜雨⟳ 2012-11-25
An even-keeled western, nothing flashy or showy. Rather, it looks at "western-ness" from a different angle: it's on the verge of extinct (buffalos and beavers are extinct; No-Ear is searching for his people). Many interesting characters; Love story is just icing on the cake.
应昌先生 2021-04-28
Anjelica真是好演员,优雅大方风华绝代的Morticia Addams演得,这里大大咧咧比爷们儿还爷们儿的Calamity Jane也演得... 会不会是Huston家族传统?人人都擅长西部片!Gabriel B也好赞,明明自带忧伤黑暗气质,演一个粗人、一个“套**汉子”,却一点儿不带出戏的!说话时没一点爱尔兰味儿,西部大碴子味倒是吓我一趔趄... 这套时长感人的television film,或许可算沧海遗珠:实很有些classical western的味道,生机勃勃、尘沙漫天,爱与恨都一样荒蛮...