ISSAC is an intense psychological thriller which constantly treads the lines of reality and fiction. Issac, A young reclusive mortician who inherited his stepfather's mortuary business meets a friendly waitress, Cassi. The two ****** an instant connection and after a night of terror, they pursue a revenge murder together. This film mixes a realistic story with surreal imagery, ...
kylegun 2024-08-26
太平间跑调磁带,老旧黑白科普宣传***,孤独缺爱五彩幻觉自闭强迫症入殓师,解剖刀挥向恶街坊,现实反转崩塌……角色是很适合《绝命毒师》老白儿子 RJ Mitte 的,制作也算达标,结局挺有亮点,但前一小时过于冗长平庸,做成短片也许更合适?
Keith Lee 2023-11-16