《刺青》又名Written in Ink。
The protagonist of this short documentary writes the story of his life in ink directly on his skin. Tattoos cover most of his body, proof that his life has been full of experiences. We now see him in a situation where, after a number of years, he tries to reconnect with his family and patch things up with his brother and sister.
《刺青》最具象征性,成功地利用每位角色对记忆的不同感受,将同志爱情传达得最层次丰富 。《刺青》实在是一部乏善可陈的影片,整部影片没有可供赞美之处,是一部彻底的失败之作。作为一部表现女***的影片,电影的故事没有什么新意,在表现手法上也显得非常笨拙,导演极力想模仿**电影那种错综复杂的叙事方式,但是只得到东施效颦的结局。
poor-guy 2019-10-07
#香港**记录片节 movie movie **** plaza