Forty feet beneath the Earth's surface, Darryl Hell's interview experiment with Douglas P. took place amongst the rumbles, hisses, and thunks of the belly of a New York **** skyscraper...during a harsh January 2005 blizzard. This would be the first time Douglas would take part in this type of interview *******. Its flow replicates a meandering day-long conversation that was hel...
zeïn 2013-09-11
: 2018-12-10
Douglas P:I am too sefish I am too involved with myself and knows around me in ** world to even him possibly imagine where ever anyone else is taking anything I’m too concerned with where I'm going to take Death in June and it's survival to the ultimate so music fashions may not...字数限制可烦 喜欢他谈论自己是个artbooks ****** 那段 Muh HolocauṨt!!!