On prehistoric Earth, an alien entrusted powerful Energems to 10 dinosaurs, but when the dinosaurs went extinct, the Energems were lost. Now an intergalactic bounty hunter is determined to reclaim the Energems and destroy our planet. A new team of Power Rangers must find the lost Energems and use their Dino Chargers to power up an arsenal of dino-fueled battle gear, Zords and M...
四小夕。 2024-10-29
这剧情,建议跟美版龙骑,美版海贼坐一桌,肯定不如美版特命和美版**龙,因为我就是后两者入坑的,不过这部战队最让我印象深刻和惊艳的情节,也就追加登场的那段 了,哦,还有红,粉,绿同乘红的车回家的那段,只能说首尾呼应的还行吧,但是我对他们没啥感情,我get不到,我还是更喜欢蓝,傻大个原始人真的很可爱,美剧里我真的很容易喜欢亚裔角色,这个我简直爱死了,看完这部的**也是他,从来没有在战队里喜欢过蓝,这次不一样了,哦,蓝,好!总体来说,勉强三星,下饭看还是我还是挺挺津津有味的,好,补日版兽电走起