awesome moment relishin - **** i feel extremely retarded.............he called me but he hanged up n never talked to me. whats that mean, hes fed w me? like im so afraid I might expose ** real feelings for him. and im bad at pretending that.
双层芝士 2021-10-06
Norm McDonald 居然 *** 了!这么年轻... 可惜了...
日落可以慢半拍 2021-10-08
没想到居然还能看到louis ck和kevin spacey的照片出现在snl 然后rkelly streaming那个笑话好棒thats what got him in trouble in the 1st place恋童癖的梗 chris pratt给马里奥配音居然引怒骂吗did they get angry at u for *** and jerry哈哈哈哈然后Colin笑得时候那个手在秀婚戒!
🍄 2022-03-04
awesome moment relishin - **** i feel extremely retarded.............he called me but he hanged up n never talked to me. whats that mean, hes fed w me? like im so afraid I might expose ** real feelings for him. and im bad at pretending that.
双层芝士 2021-10-06
Norm McDonald 居然 *** 了!这么年轻... 可惜了...
日落可以慢半拍 2021-10-08
没想到居然还能看到louis ck和kevin spacey的照片出现在snl 然后rkelly streaming那个笑话好棒thats what got him in trouble in the 1st place恋童癖的梗 chris pratt给马里奥配音居然引怒骂吗did they get angry at u for *** and jerry哈哈哈哈然后Colin笑得时候那个手在秀婚戒!
妮可***得慢 2021-10-08
这个封面截得好损!Owen Wilson说藏宝图属于博物馆的时候还以为他要跳戏到博物馆奇妙夜,因为我妈到现在看到他还会叫他博物馆的小人。Pete吐槽Colin演猫和老鼠最好笑,还有Norm年轻的时候好帅啊。
夏之城 2021-10-05
少了beck且kate没露脸 新一季开局有点平淡
周一就酱 2021-10-07
普宁困意 2022-06-14
***也太难看了吧(私心想看Sarah Andrew演情侣
猩猩 2021-10-09