it’s not really about .. how white the cast is?? but how jojo as an indigenous queen made a strong statement on the runway and got sent home, and how art got brought back for absolute no reason, and not to mention scarlet - a queen who literally once performed with blackface - got offered an opportunity to apologize. this is just too much.
Peng. 2021-06-14
Queens都不错,但制作是怎么回事? Electra talent show 是怎么样下btm?????
你的纽约好邻居 2021-06-19
Evilly ☣ 2021-06-19
全年无休醉了 先Team Kita Mean| 第二集后也Team Karen from Finance| 所以为什么Art能回来?! |才艺秀难道不是Art和Karen垫底吗?!为了老板和打工妹唇舞估计做的剧本吧?!Art should've gone home!!!!!! | Yeah! 终于Team的赢了,Scarlet真的有点Aquaria的感觉,其实除了***也没什么惊艳的点,而且决赛唇舞也一般般。
乍暖 2021-07-13
牛花 2021-06-22
没一个喜欢的Queen, 感觉都好basic…
马盼盼 2021-07-29
Ongpr 2021-05-30
it’s not really about .. how white the cast is?? but how jojo as an indigenous queen made a strong statement on the runway and got sent home, and how art got brought back for absolute no reason, and not to mention scarlet - a queen who literally once performed with blackface - got offered an opportunity to apologize. this is just too much.
Peng. 2021-06-14
Queens都不错,但制作是怎么回事? Electra talent show 是怎么样下btm?????
**糖厂 2021-06-23
wrong process but correct answer
諾曼***威爾 2021-06-19
DaShadow 2021-06-16
EP7 Art边吃边扔的talent就**离谱了 Electra就实在不是制作组的爱就强行安排姐妹唇舞残忍淘汰遗憾离场剧情 本周末finale就看Rupaul如何经过“艰难抉择”后crown Scarlett呗😅