《一日黎明》又名The Dawning of the Day。
东京电影节主竞赛 Pablo arrives in British Ceylon from Burma to flee a traumatic relationship that had changed from love into passionate obsession. He notices a young pariah woman who empties his outhouse every morning. To Pablo she appears divine. In one morning, he takes her hand and leads her into his bed. Unable to believe or accept her bizarre fate, she remains passive throughout t...
第34届东京国际电影节:主竞赛单元 最佳影片(提名)。
KAIZHENG 2024-04-30
2/5, if you want, sms me know.
不缇 2021-11-02
土著 ** 诗 戏剧 挣扎 阶级 肮脏 信仰 洗净 #tiff2021
风自悠 2021-11-03