Red Velvet's Seulgi to make her MC debut with 'Seulgi.zip' Red Velvet's Seulgi will be ****** her MC debut with Naver NOW's show 'Seulgi.zip'. This will be Seulgi's first time taking on the role of an MC, since her debut. On this live talk-show, Seulgi will invite guests and fans to a comfortable *****, and talk about many different topics, having a concept of 'having fun'.
ドーナ* 2023-04-16
小队皮定那场蛮喜欢 不过最爱的还是**完整体,吵吵闹闹的五人真的让人好幸福好感动
法外之徒 2023-02-24
看了贝贝集体出演的一集 大家像是刚结束一天的工作回到熊窝 不用像录综艺那样营业 无需刻意发挥艺能感 刚刚好保持在不尴尬、不无聊、不冷场的松弛度 就连玩游戏困得快睡着的样子都可爱
小粋 2023-01-21
好天真好可爱(被提醒了 给隔壁星星做一条