In this highly anticipated sequel to his groundbreaking, ADVERTISING AND THE END OF THE WORLD, ***** scholar Sut Jhally explores the devastating personal and environmental fallout from advertising, commercial culture, and rampant American consumerism. Ranging from the emergence of the modern advertising industry in the early 20th century to the full-scale commercialization of t...
Umimoon 2023-01-02
onwaynow 2021-09-30
capitalism makes consumption = happiness "don't worry, just *****" magical ******
伤心电磁炉 2022-09-08
全程只有导演一个人在讲话和输出观点,更像是一个video essay而非是一部纪录片。结构上给我的感觉像是一位教授在自顾自地说话,讲得越来越跑偏,最后讲到危言耸听的地步。不过好在导演确实输出了一些很有趣的观点,要是能多几个人多角度讲下广告和他所说的末世的到来就更好了。