let me come in在线观看

let me come in

  • 上映年代:2021  
  • 类型:短片
  • 地区:美国
  • 更新时间:

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新电影集合为您提供let me come in,在线点播,迅雷下载

“let me come in" is a compelling and hypnotic musical jewel from composer David Lang and director Bill Morrison. Soprano Angel Blue’s radiant vocals breathe new life into rediscovered fragments of a long-forgotten silent film to astonishing effect, with accompaniment from Bryan Wagorn, David Creswell, Anja Wood and Miles Salerni. Get lost in this intimate world of desire and tr...


Lycidas 2021-05-27

3.5 LA Opera委任David Lang作曲的digital short,使用的画面是上映当年被NYT批得体无完肤的Pawns of Passion。有趣的张力点在于观众对画面中男女关系的认知随着歌词和情节进展不停变化。