Set in the glittering, class-conscious **** of London, the docu-series follows a group of elite British socialites, Annabelle Neilson and Caroline Stanbury, along with American expats, Juliet Angus, Caprice Bourret, Marissa Hermer, and Noelle Reno, who all run in similar social circles, but are worlds apart. From weekend getaways in the English countryside, to high tea at one o...
拖布头儿Q.CHEN 2017-03-05
这不是ladies of london, 这是 American ladies in London,或者是 American wives of rich London Men
noiseinside 2016-09-05
#guilty pleasure# 明显看出来美国那几位是social climber,而那个alexander mcqueen的闺蜜品味真好,第一次在真人秀里看到一个有好品味的主角而不是**炫富暴发户。
一颉 2021-05-29
焱焱子 2016-05-06
'TT' 2018-11-26
没想到noelle和scott最后会弄成那样😑 整体我觉得还是挺好的,可以一窥她们的世界是什么样的٩😛ི٩😛ི۶背景音乐好好听
有美堂暴雨 2021-06-05
women as social climbers. the infinite fights and worries.
碧落亦然 2021-08-06
微子 2021-04-10
猎奇看了一集,Annabelle长得有点像我**Kate Bush,于是对她先入为主地多了点好感,哈哈。当然普通人是不太能理解这种真人秀的价值何在啦……
Jo Fletcher 2021-04-08
我不想学习TT 2021-04-23
看点除了Drama queen撕*+美国新钱和事佬攀关系,还有背景最强的Annabelle置身事外你们撕你们的我独自美丽