Hannah, a kind-hearted townie, finds herself torn by the influences and opinions of those around her. She spends her days caring for her aging father and doing various odd jobs around her hometown. She has a small circle of friends and maintains a quiet, contented existence being useful in her community, which includes a charming movie theater attendant, a gruff Russian mechani...
胤祥 2022-02-05
#28th Slamdance# 故事长片·世界首映-故事片**+表演奖。类型标了“呢喃核”(这也能是类型了天啊!),不过居然没谈情感关系,也几乎没有城市场景,主要讲小镇亲情与女性的自我认知(含蓄地批评了男性的爹味,但并不白左哦)。摄影蛮有特点(柔光+感觉好像用了款很老的镜头)。根据2021年同名短片发展而来,格局虽然小但写得相当细腻,强调空间及“在地”,关注农业工人及**蓝领(居然在一个美国片里看到城乡二元关系哈哈哈哈)。临近片尾时苏联**好评!
另一個我 2024-06-12
Slamdance Film Festival - 無聲地向那些不讓人安靜地活著的人刮一巴掌
诶取 2024-09-06