Using extensive rear projection to remarkable effect (actors, in color, against black and white backgrounds and all photographed in high definition), Mark Rappaport evocatively plays with the themes of noir while contemporizing the stakes involved. In EXTERIOR NIGHT, there is no past. There is no present. There is only the inevitable now
Leave no trace 2021-08-24
Rappaport幽默轻巧地重复noir的所有tropes,复制noir的弗洛伊德精神分析,用虚构的情节(present)回应成为电影史一部分的film noir。 这世上是否存在“唯一”的film noir?亦或所有的film noir不过是重复,一场集体的梦?正版在fandor/kanopy
人人 2023-06-02
新奇的拍摄手法 黑白电影里的时光梦境dejavu交错 (我大概没看懂)
Drabaha 2019-11-08
We’re lost and cut off from the past. Individual history finds it hard to dissolve into the collective memories.