Sky's Duel: Hamilton vs Verstappen documentary promises to offer a first-hand account of the Hamilton and Verstappen rivalry from those who experienced it first hand. The two-part series will outline the events of the 2021 F1 season that saw Verstappen pip Hamilton to the world title, with exclusive interviews from Verstappen himself, as well as the Sky Sports Formula 1 team wh...
yyzc 2022-03-11
有点流水账,主角是塔炮和老汉,两位都是伟大的车手! 参演的其他车手只有巴顿和罗斯伯格吧 看老汉和名宿那一段挺为他俩的友情惋惜的sigh
Rex 2022-03-14
流水账式的记录,几个嘉宾的解说也没有起到锦上添花的作用,尽是老生常谈、主观性极强的评论,看个乐等新赛季还行 @*******
Elbereth 2022-03-12
那是sky,有什麼好期待的hhh 平鋪直敘的故事
luoFu 2022-03-19
是***。顺便又回顾了一下21赛季right before new season starts。沙特***站真的是,不堪回首。。。
arkida 2022-04-06
tomoya06 2022-03-15
至少冠军战讲得比drive to survive好