周六夜现场:约翰·木兰尼/LCD Soundsystem在线观看

周六夜现场:约翰·木兰尼/LCD Soundsystem

Saturday Night Live John Mulaney/LCD Soundsystem


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Season 47, Episode 13.  Host John Mulaney,LCD Soundsystem performs.


牛*很忙 2022-03-03


双层芝士 2022-02-27

conan!!!!! 吗呀太意外了,他是要回 nbc 开新的节目吗?sketch 里面 covid discussion dinner 好评。还有,那个歌剧节目可以停了吧,出道即巅峰但后面每况愈下啊...

WalrusTuTu☮ 2022-10-31

求求了🙏 John Mulaney你能不能回來當編劇🙏

大白臉WC15 2022-03-09


Laura13 2022-03-06

monologue five timers **小段子 音乐剧 都很棒啊 希望木兰妮可以好好的

昨日如死 2023-04-01

‘But thank you for all of the nights that became days.’

水包酱 2023-05-19

这应该是他五次主持里最不好笑的一次 精华部分在开场monologue里 不过由于先看了Baby J所以再听一次也不新鲜了 除此之外那个**预录sketch还可以

tucuerpoes 2023-01-08

s47里优质sketch最多的一集之一吧🥰两个covid sketch都太能共情到太喜欢了!

🍄 2022-03-28

some ppl say they always found out before i could rly talk to em abt it, doubt that. you are not that awesome. Just call me please being in love is an idea that I can embrace so much that give me happiness and If I m with myself Romance is something that could **** me get thru whatever im going thru..... what are you laughing abt? your in-capabilities? yn: ask me if i care. he only focus on emmm you know what when it comes to man gaze, dont you guys have a brain? dzyn be like sry i cant live ** im kind of in the middle of doing something, he seemed very kind, and 3exy.

日落可以慢半拍 2022-02-28

其实我不咋喜欢木兰尼但他开场还算挺好笑的 可怜的Alvin被迫当了drug dealer哈哈哈 dad geller居然也是five timers club的我天 而且他还被什么chest hair杂志评选过最性感男人!震惊