Between a jagged cliff face and a roaring ocean, lives a colony of Australian Sea Lions. In an environment equally as harsh as it is beautiful, be immersed in a classic coming of age tale guided by one of Australia's most unique, intelligent, and playful animals. Take an intimate journey inside the colony where a life of ***** intimacy, tenderness, and clumsiness, must often gi...
バレッタ 2024-04-06
椒盐豆豉 2024-01-14
科技馆巨幕确实沉浸感很强,小海狮和妈妈和朋友的互动太可爱了。感觉 storytelling 有点凌乱,45 分钟的片长感觉啥知识都没细讲就完了,作为人类保育工作者穿针引线的视角故事讲得也很鸡肋。小海狮学捕猎和**的海狮医院都想看看更深入的部分。
過客 2022-09-19
马尧 2024-08-23
3D效果约等于没有,中国科技馆还我IMAX GT