Suzanne McBride is excited to spend her birthday with her family. It will be the first time that her three adopted daughters will be together in years. This seems like a ***** time for a family reunion, but the sisters are each wrestling with unique challenges that threaten to derail this special occasion.
防守三秒判点球 2022-01-25
3.5,我感觉Movies & Mysteries子*道的电影反而比Hallmark主*道的要质量更好。雪崩事故作为养母与三姐妹潜在故事冲突点没有展开好,也掺杂了不少本可省略的Hallmark“特色”节日**情节,但终归是有一个贯穿全片的“家庭悬疑”,三姐妹也各有生活的酸甜苦辣,不是从头到尾一路fun了